Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Sorry for the lack of post. I've been super busy with back-to-school shopping, getting things together at home, trying to readjust our 'lazy-days of summer' into a new routine. Plus, getting a garage sale ready for this saturday and on top of all that, a surprise new addition to the family. No, I'm not expecting but hubby thought it would be a great idea that we get a dog. Not at all under my consent, basically not at all happy about it. But it's here and supposedly everyone is super excited about this dog including my husband, who is acting like it's a long-lost relative. Oh yeah the dog has a name, it's Bruce. He's a rottie. Yeah you heard right. We couldn't get a cute little dog (which would have made no difference in my book) but a huge dog. Right now he's not huge, but I think I'll blink and he'll be bigger than me. And when the girls get back to school, guess who gets to take care of him, of course it would be me, because that's how it always turns out. I'm not happy. Did I mention that already? well there you have it, perhaps the lack of post is because I cannot believe how life can change in a minute. But you know I heard that I'm gonna end up loving him - this will have to be seen. I will revisit this topic in a few months and tell you if this is true or not.

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