Friday, February 18, 2011


Oh what a wonderful feeling...spring is in the air....the snow is melting and I can see my grass again (it's not pretty) but I'm okay with the snow being gone!!!

Pretty soon, we'll have to plant flowers, water them, open up the doors and open up the blinds because the sun will be our light...oh so happy Spring is near!!!!!

Because of that I started on some projects...repainted my shelf over the fireplace and got a new cover for the fireplace, pics coming soon.  I also want some new curtains and perhaps some new fabric for my pillows...I also want to change the fabric on my chair in the dining room....oh i love having new projects to do!!!!

Have fun redecorating for the Spring!!!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Valentine's Day

Hey guys, what did you guys get for V-Day? My hubby got me a pair a Uggs! Soo sweet! Honey if you are reading this, I love you so much and thank you for the kind gift! Anyways so V-Day was good I had a nice day full of love and happiness but, everyday should be like that right?

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Here in NY we've had 8 storms - snow, rain, sleet, ice - you name it - it's happened.  We had 2 snow days and today was a 2 hour delay, they call you at 5:30 a.m., to let you know that school doesn't start til like 10:30, do you think I could fall back to sleep? exactly.

So the girls still got up at their usual times, because they had no idea there was a 2 hour delay.  It was nice, they had breakfast, watched a little t.v. and then got a little antsy waiting for the bus!!!  Oh gosh, they are saying storm #9 on Saturday.  Today the groundhog predicted that spring will come early. I hope he's right because with a storm every few days it almost seems that winter is here to stay longer than anticipated!!!!


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A photoshoot @ home

This was the winning shot. We made this one our xmas card for 2010
The rest of them are the girls just having a grand old time posing
Do you think I'm going to have problems in the near future with boys thinking she's older than what she really is? yeah me too
Fun times

A close up of Mandy
A close up of boom boom
she's got the right poses
Interesting...very interesting!

Hope you enjoyed our christmas photoshoot.! Sorry I shared so late! Boom Boom looks older!!!

Swimming in the Winter

The clan on the way to the "surprise" they had no idea where they were going for Amanda's birthday celebration...
They were pretty surprised and very excited and HAPPY!!!!
My girls happy as can be
Out to dinner - we spent the night in Philadelphia
Back in our hotel room, ready to have fun with the birthday girl
How cool is this 6year old
Woo hoo, everyone is ready to play with silly string
And birthday girl gets clobbered
It's time to go home kids, we had an awesome time!
We had a very fun weekend. The kids were so happy and surprised. It's my kind of birthday present, an experience, worth more than anything material item!!!!
Experience life. It's worth it.

Mandy's 6th Birthday

I haven't posted in a while. Here is Amanda opening her present on her birthday. She had waited patiently for this doll, her "Jenny" doll for about 6 weeks. This doll is a brand from Target, we saw it there in November and she fell in love and then requested it for her birthday. My mom bought it for her. It was hard to wait for her actual birthday to give it to her but her expression on her face was totally worth the wait. Amanda in her classroom celebrating with her classmates
At home with her sister and her cousins.
Check out that cake...I made it...and the cupcakes too!!!
Happy 6th Birthday Amanda
We all love you very much!!!!!

awww, what a sweet picture of her!!!