First ride on a school bus...
On Weds, I had orientation to the Middle School for Kailyn. Met her teacher. Had a nice luncheon with the other mother's - which I really only know 1 mom that I am very friendly with because she happens to be Kailyn's bffs mom. After orientation - the girls decided it would be fun to go to the pool. They asked their other friends. And they all came over to the town pool with us. It was a nice time. Back to school for sure - playdates again...
On Thursday, I had orientation at the elementary school for Amanda. She met her teacher. Was very happy with her. They had alone time with her. They also rode the school bus and had a snack by being introduced to the lunchroom and walking through as if they were getting lunch. They each received a stuffed animal to ease their nervousness. It was a great time.
Orientations are over. Labor Day weekend is upon us. Back to School Tuesday. I'm excited. The girls are SUPER excited.
I'm starting my walks/jog again. I already started exercising this week to try and ease into it. It's been hard. I'm so out of shape. But I need to get to a healthy weight again. So let's start this journey again. Let's see how well I do this time around!!!!
Have a Fabulous long weekend!!!!! ;o)
Boo - it's the end of Summer....but the beginning of Fall.....can't wait to start decorating...i actually got a few items to start my decorations....